About Book

About The Book


Are Not The Problem

From the beginning of creation, donkeys have been closely connected to humans. They are used for plowing, carrying burdens, and transportation. These animals possess admirable traits, i.e., they are calm, loyal, friendly, and interact well with and protect other animals. However, over time, human choices have shifted this relationship, allowing animals like cats, dogs, and even the serpent to take center stage in our lives. This shift reflects the chaos we experience today, with troubles affecting many areas of life.

This book uses the allegory of the donkey to reveal the following key insights:

  • Every God-given assignment comes with a “donkey” to help fulfill it.
  • While donkeys are willing to assist, humans are often unprepared, which leads to misuse and abuse.
  • Sometimes, we chase donkeys and neglect our true purpose—illustrated by the story of Justice Jair.
  • The book also introduces the concept of the ideal “donkey rider,” and guides readers on how to effectively fulfill their missions.
You will be learning how not to misuse the means to your life goal and assignment. Our main assignment is not stepped into when we do not use the means appropriately.

Sometimes, an approach to our task could be misunderstood as the task. When an approach is not solving a task, it should be pointing us to the task, but not by itself is it the task.

At times, we are relaxed, camping around the approach. You will be learning how Justice Jair settled dealing with the implement to actualize his life assignment. In the end, he never accomplished what he was assigned to do…

You will learn the Biblical principles from this book about five notable men whose donkeys were out to assist them, but they didn’t ride well. But here comes the perfect rider who will guide you to use your means to rise to enviable heights in destiny… Whatever a donkey may represent to you in this book, use it properly; do not abuse, misuse, or settle on it. How you use it determines if you will climb another one. Let’s take the ride as you open each page of this book…