Why Rushing Leads to Failure: Lessons from Jesus’ Journey

Why Rushing Leads to Failure: Lessons from Jesus’ Journey

Human beings are impatient creatures. They want everything to happen according to their plan and timing. What they don’t understand is that rushing into things or jumping to conclusions has consequences. For a long-lasting and impactful outcome, we must prepare beforehand, think about the pros and cons, and be patient with the process. One of the most thoughtful examples of patience, timing, and measured action is found in the life of Jesus. Let’s find out how rushing leads to failure and what the lessons from Jesus’ journey are that we must adapt to.

The Power of Patience in Purpose

Jesus’ journey is even more fascinating because he knew his purpose, yet he didn’t rush into completing it. He knew that he would eventually ride a donkey into Jerusalem, but he did not make decisions out of impatience. This is a lesson for anyone chasing their goals; sometimes, rushing toward a destination can cause you to miss the very lessons that will prepare you for lasting success.

The Danger of Jumping Ahead

When we make decisions impatiently and rush into things without completely understanding them, we miss out on the necessary minor and major details. When we forcefully try to get the outcome, it often turns out negative because it wasn’t supposed to come out at that specific time. Jesus avoided this by focusing on the work at hand and preparing thoroughly for each step.

Lessons from Jesus’ Donkey Ride

Jesus’ decision to wait until the right time to ride the donkey into Jerusalem holds a strong lesson. The donkey was prepared for him to ride, but Jesus did not claim it until the right time. This story teaches us a huge lesson about patience and timing. Rushing things can only worsen the scenarios because everything is scheduled for betterment, and the desired outcome only arrives when it is destined.


The lesson of Jesus’ journey is clear: patience, preparation, and timing are key elements to success. Rushing into things before we are ready, even with the best intentions, can cause us to lose sight of our mission. This principle is vividly illustrated in the book “Donkeys Are Not the Problem,” by Kemas Lift, which offers deep insights into mastering the timing and roles in our lives. Through the stories of biblical figures like Jesus, the manuscript reveals how rushing ahead can lead to failure while waiting for the right moment ensures fulfillment. It’s a must-read for anyone who struggles with impatience and wants to learn the importance of waiting. Don’t forget to grab a copy today!

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